The Brown Room
The Brown Room was their own little hide out, and holds a special fondness in their memories. Sadly, not many pictures exist, but that’s where the boys partied, practiced, and honed their skills. It created a magical musical environment that they were able, many times, to reproduce on stage. A common ritual occurred every few weeks called “Darts for Trash”, in which all members were required to vie for the best score on the dart board. Some members were suspected of practicing diligently to avoid janitor duty.
The Orange Peel
Here’s Harry Dobbin filling up the Orange Peel for another trip to the moon. Mike Ehrke was tasked with finding a van to supplement the one Dondlinger was providing, and when he saw this one it was love at first sight. Mike already had an orange VW bug, and an orange Ford Ranchero, so you make the connection. It was purchased very quickly, and almost immediately needed a complete overhaul. Chuck Luck.
The Support Team
As you can see, they’ve been up to some mischief again. Left to right: Pat Dondlinger (Johnny’s brother), Dick Reese, and Kenny Dool. Pat was the recording engineer, Dick was roadie (singer), and Kenny yelled “Four more…” at the end of each gig. Kenny also sat in on drums when Johnny took a permanent vacation from the band in California. One night, a nearby trucker was talking on his CB, and it came blasting through the PA in the middle of a song. This gave Pat a great idea. Just before we’d start into one of our trucker songs, he would go out to his pickup, and when he heard the intro, he would key his CB and start rattling off some trucker jargon to which the band would respond. Ha, that right there is some entertainment!
Eat It Here
The boys were in high spirits for their gig at Meadowlake Beach, wearing goofy hats, and standing in front of the double entendre sign, ‘Eat It Here’. Jamey’s telling Harry what set Doug off, while Johnny anxiously watches Doug, with tooth removed, go into full redneck slapstick. Mike, in pre-bull rider, 10-gallon hat, tries to ignore the shenanigans.
Stir Crazy
Jackson Hole
Early in ’76 the band took a trip up to Jackson Hole, WY, and played at the famous Million Dollar Cowboy Bar. What a place! Saddles instead of bar stools. They also went snow skiing…some for the 1st tme. It was seriously cold, but they had a blast.
Posters / Ads
Here are a few of the posters for shows that were played. I have the feeling we’re missing a lot!
Kansas Music Hall of Fame
In the spring of 2016, Sawdust Charley was inducted into the KMHOF at Liberty Hall in Lawrence, KS. It was a great night of celebration with friends and family, and the band was deeply honored by the recognition for their contribution to the musical landscape of the ’70s.