The e-mail Band
By the mid-'90s, Sawdust Charley members had scattered, with Ehrke, Dobbin, and Dondlinger in Wichita, Ratzlaff in Nashville, Webb in Seattle, and Feldner in California. Ratzaff and Webb had kept in touch through the years and had been passing some song ideas back and forth. The Internet had yet to really take off, but more and more people were using e-mail to communicate. Webb and Ratzlaff hatched a plan whereby they could create and record new songs while being separated by thousands of miles. They would send music tracks back and forth as e-mail attachments. Thus the e-Mail Band was formed. Webb purchased a synthesizer like Ratzlaff's and soon instrument and vocal tracks were arriving in each others in-boxes on practically a daily basis. Below are two albums that were built from that e-mail activity. After all the songs for an album were complete, Webb would fly to Nashville and help Ratzlaff do the final mixes for each album.
- Jamey Ratzlaff – Writer / Vocalist / Instrumentalist / Engineer
- Doug Webb – Writer / Vocalist / Insturmentalist / Engineer
[whohit]TROTS - E-mail Band[/whohit]